What can you afford?
Use our range of calculators to estimate your mortgage repayments, and get an idea of how much you can borrow with different loan types.
Loan Repayment Calculator
Get a personalised estimate of your monthly payments based on your loan amount, interest rate and loan type.
Interest Only Mortgage Calculator
Calculate the monthly payments of your mortgage when you take out an interest-only loan.
Stamp Duty Calculator
Our calculator can help you work out how much stamp duty you’ll need to pay when buying property or land in Australia.
Extra Repayment Calculator
Work out how much faster you could pay off your loan and how much interest you might save making extra repayments towards your mortgage.
Lump Sum Repayment Calculator
Discover how much time and money you can save by making a lump-sum payment on your home loan.
Split Loan Calculator
Our split loan calculator helps you see how a combination of fixed and variable interest rates can work for you.
Home Loan Offset Calculator
Calculate the potential interest and time you could save by opening a home loan offset account.
Loan Comparison Calculator
Compare the loan repayment amounts and interest rates between two lenders.